(radio) New! Listen to the Villach location online!

Since 28.12.2024 it is possible to listen to the Villach location online! Thanks to the fmdx.org project, DXing has entered a new dimension with the opportunity for you to explore the specific conditions of the Southern Alps online from your home!

The new server is available 24/7 and enable it to explore the specific conditions of this location situated north of the city centre of Villach. Here, you can listen to many Italian radio stations and explore in this way the world of radio in the Alpe-Adria region.

Just connect here and start exploring today: villach.fmtuner.org

This new initiative is being realised thanks to DXPG Graz (dxpg.at) and the technical support of the team around the Open-Source initiative fmdx.org.