
Welcome! – Benvenuti! – Willkommen! – Dobro Došli! – Dobrodošli!

Welcome to the Alpe Adria Region. Let me show you this beautiful region in the heart of Europe between the peaks of the Alps and the waves of the Adriatic Sea.

There is a region in Europe, where you can hike in the Alps in the morning, explore the wineries in the afternoon and swim in the sea at sunset. Welcome to the Alpe Adria Region.

What is the Alpe Adria Region?

The Alpe Adria Region is an amazing region in the heart of Central Europe covering parts of today’s countries Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Croatia. From the high mountains to the calm Adriatic Sea, this region is an unique mosaic of landscapes, food traditions, languages and cultural and historical heritage.

The Alpe Adria Region is the only region in Europe, where the three big language groups meet each other, it is indeed situated on the crossroads between North, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. The experience in this region shows that we have much in common even a national border is dividing us. It is Europe in a small version, united in variety.

Europe in my heart

My life in the Alpe Adria Region

I was born in this region and was influenced by the huge variety of languages and cultural traditions. History in this region has shown that borders and rulers are temporary, but people in this region stay connected over centuries.

And it has shaped my interests to discover the world and especially Europe, to understand our continent and see what unite us over was divide us.

On this website, you find information about the Alpe Adria Region, my hobbies such as Radio and Music, my last trips and some professional information about what I am doing to keep Europe going on. For a more united Europe – not only in the Alpe Adria Region but everywhere.

alpemare – from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea

alpemare Blog: Exploring the Alpe Adria Region

On my various trips in the Alpe Adria Region, I try to give some insights what to do and what to see in this region. This all comes with information regarding the history and the culture of this region.

Radio in the Alpe-Adria Region

On this website you also find information related to the history and the present of the world of the radio in this region.

About me: My projects

By using the specific case of the transnational Alpe-Adria Region, I try every day to work to bring together Europe. Here I give an overview of my professional work.

alpemare blog: Exploring the Alpe Adria Region

By alpemare / 26. February 2019

Transmitter pictures: Tarvisio/Monte Priesnig

DEUTSCH - ITALIANO in seguito DEUTSCH: Der Monte Priesnig befindet sich hoch über der Stadt Tarvisio in der ehemaligenProvinz Udine...

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By alpemare / 29. October 2018

Visionen zum Scheitern – Michail Gorbatschow und was wir von ihm lernen können

Visionen zum Scheitern – Michail Gorbatschow und was wir von ihm lernen können Wo sind die Visionen geblieben? Ein Blick...

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By alpemare / 27. August 2018

Stacheldraht im Weingarten

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By alpemare / 29. June 2018

Un’esperienza europea. Vivere in Italia per quasi 2 anni.

Perché mi sento adesso più europeo: Una vita all’italiana. Come ho vissuto quasi 2 anni in diversi posti in Italia....

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By alpemare / 15. April 2018

Speziell nichtspeziell – Berlin, Europas Hauptstadt der Freiheit

Es gibt Städte, die sind so schön, dass jeder sich dort sofort wohlfühlt und von der Schönheit der Stadt überwältigt...

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By alpemare / 31. March 2018

San Felice Circeo/Monte Circeo

DEUTSCH/TEDESCO: Der Monte Circeo befindet sich im Süden der Region Lazio/Latium in der Provinz Latina und war ursprünglich eine Insel....

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By alpemare / 5. March 2018

Demokratien ohne Gedächtnis?

Demokratien ohne Gedächtnis?   Viktor Orban erklärte bereits die „illiberale Demokratie“ zur neuen Zukunft der alten Demokratie. Und auch sonst...

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By alpemare / 25. October 2017

Mehr Meer – Die schönsten Strände des Sommers 2017

Mehr Meer – Die schönsten Strände des Sommers 2017 Die Sonne spiegelt sich im türkisblauen Wasser, die weiße Gischt der...

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By alpemare / 26. March 2017

Für ein optimistisches Europa der Zukunft

Für ein optimistisches Europa der Zukunft   „Wir erleben in Europa eine schwere Krise (…) Europa muss die Werte wiederentdecken,...

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By alpemare / 24. February 2017

Großes Senderfotos-Update Italien + Kroatien – new transmitter photos Italy + Croatia

Nach langer Zeit gibt es wieder ein Senderfoto-Update - und zwar eines mit richtig vielen Neuerungen! Leider gab es aufgrund...

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